已发布: 1 六月 2010

Global Agenda Council on Competitiveness 2012-2014

Competitive economies have in place factors, policies and institutions that ensure higher levels of productivity which, in turn, ensure rising prosperity. The importance of competitiveness is widely recognized but achieving improvement is a complex process. Leaders often find it difficult to identify measures that will have the most impact and to gather the necessary political support and momentum for reforms that enhance competitiveness. This is particularly true at the regional and municipal levels, where factors that drive competitiveness and interaction with the national level are not fully understood.

Competitive economies have in place factors, policies and institutions that ensure higher levels of productivity which, in turn, ensure rising prosperity. The importance of competitiveness is widely recognized but achieving improvement is a complex process. Leaders often find it difficult to identify measures that will have the most impact and to gather the necessary political support and momentum for reforms that enhance competitiveness. This is particularly true at the regional and municipal levels, where factors that drive competitiveness and interaction with the national level are not fully understood.


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