已发布: 1 六月 2010

Global Agenda Council on Catastrophic Risks 2012-2014

Potential catastrophic risks, from the potential for global pandemics of the Coronavirus from Saudi Arabia or the H7N9 avian flu virus from China to the recent financial crisis, seem always present. Political leaders encourage their citizens to put their faith in specialized institutions designed to deal with specific types of risks, predominantly natural disasters, such as special United Nations agencies. However, the approaches to building resilience and coping with the impact of catastrophic risks have changed little in recent years.

Potential catastrophic risks, from the potential for global pandemics of the Coronavirus from Saudi Arabia or the H7N9 avian flu virus from China to the recent financial crisis, seem always present. Political leaders encourage their citizens to put their faith in specialized institutions designed to deal with specific types of risks, predominantly natural disasters, such as special United Nations agencies. However, the approaches to building resilience and coping with the impact of catastrophic risks have changed little in recent years.


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