已发布: 1 六月 2010

Global Agenda Council on Biotechnology 2012-2014

In recent years, research combining chemistry and biology has driven valuable discoveries for human health, energy and agriculture. The application of science and technology to living organisms, known as biotechnology, has led to numerous advances: vaccines and drugs have been created to combat disease; fuels, materials and chemicals have been produced from converted biomass; and genetically modified seeds have improved crop yields, increased resource efficiency and boosted health and nutrition. At the same time, methods have been developed to utilize areas previously unsuited for human use, such as deserts and ocean surfaces.However, several barriers are preventing advances in biotechnology from becoming widely used. The Global Agenda Council on Biotechnology has identified public perception and public policy as the two areas of focus of its work, both of which are crucial factors in raising investment for these new technologies.

In recent years, research combining chemistry and biology has driven valuable discoveries for human health, energy and agriculture. The application of science and technology to living organisms, known as biotechnology, has led to numerous advances: vaccines and drugs have been created to combat disease; fuels, materials and chemicals have been produced from converted biomass; and genetically modified seeds have improved crop yields, increased resource efficiency and boosted health and nutrition. At the same time, methods have been developed to utilize areas previously unsuited for human use, such as deserts and ocean surfaces.However, several barriers are preventing advances in biotechnology from becoming widely used. The Global Agenda Council on Biotechnology has identified public perception and public policy as the two areas of focus of its work, both of which are crucial factors in raising investment for these new technologies.


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