已发布: 1 六月 2010

Global Agenda Council on the Arab World 2012-2014

The Arab world is experiencing a period of unprecedented change that will shape the future economic, social and governance systems of the region, in a time when long-standing relationships between developed and emerging economies are being redefined. The region possesses the key raw materials of success, including a youthful population eager to engage and contribute to the region’s economy, energy endowments and some of the fastest-growing economies globally. Two years after the start of the transitions in North Africa, the promise of great outcomes is increasing the urgency for decision-makers to deliver employment and foster development throughout the region.

The Arab world is experiencing a period of unprecedented change that will shape the future economic, social and governance systems of the region, in a time when long-standing relationships between developed and emerging economies are being redefined. The region possesses the key raw materials of success, including a youthful population eager to engage and contribute to the region’s economy, energy endowments and some of the fastest-growing economies globally. Two years after the start of the transitions in North Africa, the promise of great outcomes is increasing the urgency for decision-makers to deliver employment and foster development throughout the region.


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