已发布: 1 六月 2010

Global Agenda Council on Africa 2012-2014

Africa’s narrative is changing from a continent in need of aid to a place of opportunity for growth and prosperity. Many African countries are now seeking emerging-economy status within the next two decades, which they could achieve if they are able to sustain double-digit growth. These high aspirations call for new governance models to capitalize on opportunities and address new challenges. Africa also needs to identify quality growth models that increase competitiveness and employment, while lowering poverty. Concurrently, Africa’s swelling consumer base is offering new retail opportunities.

Africa’s narrative is changing from a continent in need of aid to a place of opportunity for growth and prosperity. Many African countries are now seeking emerging-economy status within the next two decades, which they could achieve if they are able to sustain double-digit growth. These high aspirations call for new governance models to capitalize on opportunities and address new challenges. Africa also needs to identify quality growth models that increase competitiveness and employment, while lowering poverty. Concurrently, Africa’s swelling consumer base is offering new retail opportunities.


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