作者: Global Future Council on Clean Electrification
已发布: 21 十月 2021

Getting to Net Zero: Increasing Clean Electrification by Empowering Demand

Published under the auspices of the World Economic Forum Global Future Council on Clean Electrification, this Insight Report invites policy-makers, regulators and investors to place greater focus on the demand side of the electricity system. It presents the technology, business models and system governance necessary to unlock flexible demand in the grid infrastructure to achieve a net-zero grid. Nine recommendations to get to net zero by increasing clean electrification are outlined under three main themes: digital technology is the fundamental enabler of a resilient net-zero grid; new business models will make a net-zero grid affordable; and a new comprehensive system governance model will be vital to ensuring a seamless and resilient net-zero grid.

Published under the auspices of the World Economic Forum Global Future Council on Clean Electrification, this Insight Report invites policy-makers, regulators and investors to place greater focus on the demand side of the electricity system. It presents the technology, business models and system governance necessary to unlock flexible demand in the grid infrastructure to achieve a net-zero grid. Nine recommendations to get to net zero by increasing clean electrification are outlined under three main themes: digital technology is the fundamental enabler of a resilient net-zero grid; new business models will make a net-zero grid affordable; and a new comprehensive system governance model will be vital to ensuring a seamless and resilient net-zero grid.


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