已发布: 26 二月 2015

Geo-economics: Seven Challenges to Globalization

This report from the World Economic Forum’s Global Agenda Council on Geo-economics maps out the challenges that current geo-economic trends pose for globalisation. Findings show that the rise in strategic competition is reshaping the global economy and unravelling global power relationships and governance. The report analyses these issues and explores the implications for companies, governments and campaign groups. The report was written by a group of 20 leading thinkers and practitioners around the world. Among members of the Council are heads of central banks, former IMF board members, former finance and foreign ministers, heads of multinational consultancy firms, senior bankers and a former US deputy trade representative.

This report from the World Economic Forum’s Global Agenda Council on Geo-economics maps out the challenges that current geo-economic trends pose for globalisation. Findings show that the rise in strategic competition is reshaping the global economy and unravelling global power relationships and governance. The report analyses these issues and explores the implications for companies, governments and campaign groups. The report was written by a group of 20 leading thinkers and practitioners around the world. Among members of the Council are heads of central banks, former IMF board members, former finance and foreign ministers, heads of multinational consultancy firms, senior bankers and a former US deputy trade representative.


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