已发布: 15 三月 2012

Galvanizing Support: The Role of Government in Advancing Adoption of Mobile Financial Services

Despite its initial promise, the widescale adoption of mobile financial services (MFS) has hit an impasse in many countries. This paper describes the role that governments could play in the MFS development cycle by generating new efficiencies and capabilities. It identifies the key steps and strategies governments can undertake to kick-start MFS – strategies that can help reduce the costs, mitigate the risks and unleash the many benefits of financial inclusion.

Despite its initial promise, the widescale adoption of mobile financial services (MFS) has hit an impasse in many countries. This paper describes the role that governments could play in the MFS development cycle by generating new efficiencies and capabilities. It identifies the key steps and strategies governments can undertake to kick-start MFS – strategies that can help reduce the costs, mitigate the risks and unleash the many benefits of financial inclusion.


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