已发布: 2 十二月 2022

Future Readiness of SMEs and Mid-Sized Companies: A Year On

Small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and mid-sized companies represent 90% of all companies and are responsible for close to 70% of jobs and GDP globally, and yet, as a result of their smaller size, they are often the most affected by economic shocks and turbulence.

Small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and mid-sized companies represent 90% of all companies and are responsible for close to 70% of jobs and GDP globally, and yet, as a result of their smaller size, they are often the most affected by economic shocks and turbulence.

This report, written in collaboration with the National University of Singapore, sheds light on how SMEs and mid-sized companies can develop strategies and pathways to increase their future readiness. The report recommends a three-pillared approach, which allows SMEs and mid-sized companies to increase their resilience while exploiting their natural agility as a competitive advantage in times of uncertainty. The World Economic Forum hopes to make use of the insights generated by this report to provide assistance to SMEs and mid-sized companies on their journey to becoming future-ready.


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