已发布: 17 一月 2017

Future Preparedness: A Conceptual Framework for Measuring Country Performance

Everyone wants their children’s generation to enjoy a better quality of life than their own. However, leaders are often too focused on short-term planning horizons to take into account the long-term issues that will determine what kind of world future generations will inherit. The increasingly rapid pace of change makes it particularly difficult to address the challenges and opportunities that will play out over several decades.

One way to motivate decision-makers to engage in long-term thinking is to enable them to benchmark how well prepared their societies are for the uncertainties of the future. This White Paper proposes a Future Preparedness benchmarking tool to support them in this effort.

Everyone wants their children’s generation to enjoy a better quality of life than their own. However, leaders are often too focused on short-term planning horizons to take into account the long-term issues that will determine what kind of world future generations will inherit. The increasingly rapid pace of change makes it particularly difficult to address the challenges and opportunities that will play out over several decades.

One way to motivate decision-makers to engage in long-term thinking is to enable them to benchmark how well prepared their societies are for the uncertainties of the future. This White Paper proposes a Future Preparedness benchmarking tool to support them in this effort.


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