已发布: 19 四月 2016

Future Oil Demand Scenarios

The purpose of this paper, prepared by the World Economic Forum Global Agenda Council on the Future of Oil & Gas, is to consider what would be a robust oil and gas business strategy and response to a variety of alternative futures, including one where global energy demand and the mix of fuels in 2040 would be consistent with limiting global warming to 2°C. The council is not advocating or opining on the “realism” or likelihood of any given scenario, but considers what could be a good strategy either in a business-as-usual outcome or if a low-demand growth circumstance indeed emerges.

The purpose of this paper, prepared by the World Economic Forum Global Agenda Council on the Future of Oil & Gas, is to consider what would be a robust oil and gas business strategy and response to a variety of alternative futures, including one where global energy demand and the mix of fuels in 2040 would be consistent with limiting global warming to 2°C. The council is not advocating or opining on the “realism” or likelihood of any given scenario, but considers what could be a good strategy either in a business-as-usual outcome or if a low-demand growth circumstance indeed emerges.


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