已发布: 3 十二月 2024

Food and Water Systems in the Intelligent Age

Water, essential to the world’s food supply, is increasingly at risk, with food systems representing 72% of freshwater withdrawals worldwide. An integrated view of interconnected data from both food and water can unlock sustainable solutions addressing this growing risk.

Water, essential to the world’s food supply, is increasingly at risk, with food systems representing 72% of freshwater withdrawals worldwide. An integrated view of interconnected data from both food and water can unlock sustainable solutions addressing this growing risk.

The Global Future Council on Food and Water Security provides necessary strategic foresight into the combined impacts of food and water systems, harnessing the power of innovation and technology as a catalyst for change. This white paper outlines connections between water and food, the impacts of aggregated data and the role of artificial intelligence (AI). It presents a new data stack framework to inform and improve data-driven decision-making.

The Global Future Council also illustrates the utility of the food-water stack through three country examples and provides recommendations for national and sub-national leaders on how to get started and apply the stack to their setting.


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