已发布: 15 三月 2013

Five Challenges, One Solution: Women

From unprecedented population ageing to increasing unemployment, from global leadership imbalances to persisting conflicts, from resource scarcity to volatile global food supplies, the world faces a series of interconnected challenges. The Global Agenda Council on Women’s Empowerment aims to highlight how women’s empowerment is a part of the solutions to these challenges. This compendium outlines how women’s advancement may impact and provide solutions to five specific global challenges:DemographyLeadershipFood Security and AgricultureSustainability and Resource ScarcityConflictThis report consists of five concise issue descriptions and links each challenge to women’s empowerment and gender parity, with an emphasis on action items and recommendations. By shedding light on the link between women’s empowerment and a specific challenge, this compendium aims to provide non-experts with a stronger elementary understanding of the impact that empowering women and girls can have on their area of interest. 

From unprecedented population ageing to increasing unemployment, from global leadership imbalances to persisting conflicts, from resource scarcity to volatile global food supplies, the world faces a series of interconnected challenges. The Global Agenda Council on Women’s Empowerment aims to highlight how women’s empowerment is a part of the solutions to these challenges. This compendium outlines how women’s advancement may impact and provide solutions to five specific global challenges:DemographyLeadershipFood Security and AgricultureSustainability and Resource ScarcityConflictThis report consists of five concise issue descriptions and links each challenge to women’s empowerment and gender parity, with an emphasis on action items and recommendations. By shedding light on the link between women’s empowerment and a specific challenge, this compendium aims to provide non-experts with a stronger elementary understanding of the impact that empowering women and girls can have on their area of interest. 


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