已发布: 15 四月 2021

Five Big Bets for the Circular Economy in Africa: African Circular Economy Alliance

Circular solutions can be used by African countries to attain vital climate action targets and sustainable development goals. With this in mind, the African Circular Economy Alliance (ACEA) was launched to spur the continent’s transition to a circular economy that delivers economic growth, jobs and positive environmental outcomes. Putting in place the right circular economy initiatives and policies will also support the post-COVID-19 recovery and trigger new market opportunities. This report uses four criteria to prioritize areas for further research: circularity potential, economic significance, transformative impact potential and momentum. It goes on to highlight five opportunity areas – food systems, packaging, built environment, fashion and textiles, and electronics – and identifies crucial enablers that will support the transition to a circular economy across all five themes.

Circular solutions can be used by African countries to attain vital climate action targets and sustainable development goals. With this in mind, the African Circular Economy Alliance (ACEA) was launched to spur the continent’s transition to a circular economy that delivers economic growth, jobs and positive environmental outcomes. Putting in place the right circular economy initiatives and policies will also support the post-COVID-19 recovery and trigger new market opportunities. This report uses four criteria to prioritize areas for further research: circularity potential, economic significance, transformative impact potential and momentum. It goes on to highlight five opportunity areas – food systems, packaging, built environment, fashion and textiles, and electronics – and identifies crucial enablers that will support the transition to a circular economy across all five themes.


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