已发布: 3 二月 2022

FIRST Cancer Care: Leveraging Fourth Industrial Revolution technologies for cancer care

The FIRST Cancer Care initiative based out of the Centre for the Fourth Industrial Revolution in India explores how technological advances can revolutionize cancer care, and drives action to ensure equitable and sustainable healthcare for populations affected by cancer. The initiative reflects the Forum’s stakeholder-centred approach and grounds the work in the expectation that outcomes will benefit society broadly.

The FIRST Cancer Care initiative based out of the Centre for the Fourth Industrial Revolution in India explores how technological advances can revolutionize cancer care, and drives action to ensure equitable and sustainable healthcare for populations affected by cancer. The initiative reflects the Forum’s stakeholder-centred approach and grounds the work in the expectation that outcomes will benefit society broadly.

The Fourth Industrial Revolution for Sustainable Transformation (FIRST) Cancer Care report is the result of deliberations among more than 30 stakeholders including clinicians, academics, IT and pharmaceutical companies, public health professionals and civil society, who have brainstormed in over 45 meetings to build a robust strategy. This strategy identifies the gaps in current cancer care and recommends interventions including use of Fourth Industrial Revolution technologies to create an oncology data model, as well as a framework to execute these interventions with multistakeholder engagement.


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