已发布: 14 十月 2021

Financing Resilience in Post-COVID-19 Manufacturing and Supply Systems

Supply chains have been disrupted and altered over the past years in an unprecedented way as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic and megatrends such as emerging technologies, sustainability imperatives and the reconfiguration of globalization. Companies are now building on recent learnings to reassess their long-term strategies and accelerate investments in priority capabilities to help them prepare for and navigate future disruption that may affect global value chains.

Supply chains have been disrupted and altered over the past years in an unprecedented way as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic and megatrends such as emerging technologies, sustainability imperatives and the reconfiguration of globalization. Companies are now building on recent learnings to reassess their long-term strategies and accelerate investments in priority capabilities to help them prepare for and navigate future disruption that may affect global value chains.

This report examines the emerging financial challenges caused by the COVID-19 pandemic as well as the financial support activated within manufacturing. It also outlines the investments needed and strategies to create a more resilient global manufacturing ecosystem. Finally, the paper highlights the change in paradigm, with the opportunity to foster cooperation and novel global coordination mechanisms to help finance resilience in value chains.


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