已发布: 17 一月 2013

The Financial Sustainability of Health Systems A Case for Change

Health systems have been a great success in the past century, fostering longer, healthier lives and thereby contributing to prosperity and economic growth. These gains have come at a price, however: Organisation of Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) countries have seen healthcare costs consistently outgrow the economy for decades. Although this trend has long been recognized as a significant challenge, the recent fiscal crisis and demographic shifts have suddenly brought it closer. Unless health system financing is redesigned, public deficits of tens of billions of dollars could amass in some developed countries by 2025.

Health systems have been a great success in the past century, fostering longer, healthier lives and thereby contributing to prosperity and economic growth. These gains have come at a price, however: Organisation of Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) countries have seen healthcare costs consistently outgrow the economy for decades. Although this trend has long been recognized as a significant challenge, the recent fiscal crisis and demographic shifts have suddenly brought it closer. Unless health system financing is redesigned, public deficits of tens of billions of dollars could amass in some developed countries by 2025.


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