已发布: 13 十月 2023

Exploring the Industrial Metaverse: A Roadmap to the Future

The development of the industrial metaverse, propelled by advancements in extended reality technology, artificial intelligence and 3D modelling, is entwining digital and industrial realms.

The development of the industrial metaverse, propelled by advancements in extended reality technology, artificial intelligence and 3D modelling, is entwining digital and industrial realms.

Current explorations involve industry professionals testing pilot use cases and realizing the socioeconomic and environmental value of integrating digital and physical spaces. Strategies and governance mechanisms are under scrutiny, ensuring future implementations promote interoperability and promoting an open platform across industries.

This roadmap, by the World Economic Forum in collaboration with the Cyber-Human Lab at the University of Cambridge, illuminates the intricate dynamics of the industrial metaverse. It offers a framework for discussing essential steps towards a valuable ecosystem for various stakeholders. While the potential to amalgamate different use cases into a single industrial metaverse over the coming decade is evident, the realization of this potential hinges on collaborative efforts among industry, governments, academia and civil society.


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