已发布: 17 六月 2020

Exploring Blockchain Technology for Government Transparency: Blockchain-Based Public Procurement to Reduce Corruption

In partnership with the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) and the Office of the Inspector General of Colombia (Procuraduría General de Colombia), the Forum has led a multistakeholder team to investigate, design and trial the use of blockchain technology for corruption-prone government processes, anchored in the use case of public procurement. The project, led by the Blockchain and Digital Currency team housed within the World Economic Forum Centre for the Fourth Industrial Revolution, is called Unlocking Government Transparency with Blockchain Technology.

In partnership with the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) and the Office of the Inspector General of Colombia (Procuraduría General de Colombia), the Forum has led a multistakeholder team to investigate, design and trial the use of blockchain technology for corruption-prone government processes, anchored in the use case of public procurement. The project, led by the Blockchain and Digital Currency team housed within the World Economic Forum Centre for the Fourth Industrial Revolution, is called Unlocking Government Transparency with Blockchain Technology.


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