已发布: 7 一月 2015

The Evolution of Trust in Business: From Delivery to Values

This report is based on Phase I of the Leadership, Trust and Performance Equation project (2013-2014) from the World Economic Forum, in collaboration with PwC. It explores how building trust contributes to business competitiveness, what key barriers are for implementation, and what hard truths companies need to consider. It also recommends a new approach for trust building by aligning the discrepancy between the public and corporate view of trust. 

This report is based on Phase I of the Leadership, Trust and Performance Equation project (2013-2014) from the World Economic Forum, in collaboration with PwC. It explores how building trust contributes to business competitiveness, what key barriers are for implementation, and what hard truths companies need to consider. It also recommends a new approach for trust building by aligning the discrepancy between the public and corporate view of trust. 


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