已发布: 23 十月 2008

Europe@Risk 2008

This report examines the global risks most pertinent to Europe, Russia, Eastern Europe, Turkey and Central Asia relating to four areas: economic slowdown, energy security, demographic shifts and education. Based on the framework developed by the Global Risk Network of the World Economic Forum, which tracks a selected set of risks over a 10-year time horizon, the report considers how interrelated these areas are and how the related risks might impact all or parts of the region.

This report examines the global risks most pertinent to Europe, Russia, Eastern Europe, Turkey and Central Asia relating to four areas: economic slowdown, energy security, demographic shifts and education. Based on the framework developed by the Global Risk Network of the World Economic Forum, which tracks a selected set of risks over a 10-year time horizon, the report considers how interrelated these areas are and how the related risks might impact all or parts of the region.


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