已发布: 20 二月 2015

Engaging Tomorrow’s Consumer: Project Report 2015

Since 2012, significant work has been done with Partner companies and key stakeholders, to design, launch and scale up programs to create a movement to change consumer attitudes and behaviour towards more sustainable lifestyles. The business challenge has been framed around the key question, “How can companies engage consumers to trigger simple behavioural shifts that enable more sustainable lifestyles, grow demand for more sustainable products and create business value?”

Since 2012, significant work has been done with Partner companies and key stakeholders, to design, launch and scale up programs to create a movement to change consumer attitudes and behaviour towards more sustainable lifestyles. The business challenge has been framed around the key question, “How can companies engage consumers to trigger simple behavioural shifts that enable more sustainable lifestyles, grow demand for more sustainable products and create business value?”


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