已发布: 12 十月 2011

Energy Vision Update 2011: A New Era for Gas - Chinese

This report focuses on the revolutionary transformation experienced on the natural gas markets around the world, taking into account the changes on both the demand side (gas is used on bigger scale in heating, power generation and transportation) and supply side (LNG and unconventional gas). Through the lenses of three important regional gas markets: Asia, Europe and North America, the report comes at the unique point of this transition. With its exceptional structure combining research and perspectives of key decision makers, it proves its relevance in one of the most important debates on the energy sector in the recent years.

This report focuses on the revolutionary transformation experienced on the natural gas markets around the world, taking into account the changes on both the demand side (gas is used on bigger scale in heating, power generation and transportation) and supply side (LNG and unconventional gas). Through the lenses of three important regional gas markets: Asia, Europe and North America, the report comes at the unique point of this transition. With its exceptional structure combining research and perspectives of key decision makers, it proves its relevance in one of the most important debates on the energy sector in the recent years.


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