已发布: 24 二月 2012

Energy Industry Partnership Programme Session Summaries

The Energy Summit was opened by Co-Chair Gao Jifan, who noted that in the coming years all countries would find their own unique and relative strengths, and new sources of energy. China is increasingly taking on the responsibilities appropriate for a large country. With 15% of energy supply from renewables and new restrictions on emissions, China is taking first steps. It shares the problems of other large countries in international climate talks, pollution mitigation and other international problems, but three, five or 10 years are not enough to solve these challenges. 

The Energy Summit was opened by Co-Chair Gao Jifan, who noted that in the coming years all countries would find their own unique and relative strengths, and new sources of energy. China is increasingly taking on the responsibilities appropriate for a large country. With 15% of energy supply from renewables and new restrictions on emissions, China is taking first steps. It shares the problems of other large countries in international climate talks, pollution mitigation and other international problems, but three, five or 10 years are not enough to solve these challenges. 


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