已发布: 20 三月 2025

Enabling Indigenous Trade: Actionable Guidance for Governments

While some governments have taken steps to enable Indigenous trade, many are looking for actionable guidance. This white paper aims to fill the gap by setting out a typology of different government measures at the international and domestic level, with explanations and tangible examples.

While some governments have taken steps to enable Indigenous trade, many are looking for actionable guidance. This white paper aims to fill the gap by setting out a typology of different government measures at the international and domestic level, with explanations and tangible examples.

Indigenous-owned businesses contribute not only to economic growth but often also to supporting their communities, tackling biodiversity loss and climate change and preserving cultural heritage and traditional knowledge. Connecting to international markets can help boost their reach and economic viability and even revive ancient trading routes.

The paper calls on governments to engage meaningfully with Indigenous Peoples in designing, implementing and reviewing policies and programmes to support Indigenous trade. Conversations and workshops with representatives from Indigenous and international organizations, governments and businesses have enriched this study.


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