已发布: 9 四月 2020

Emerging Priorities and Principles for Managing the Global Economic Impact of COVID-19

Governments and central banks in the economies most affected by the COVID-19 pandemic have rapidly mobilized to keep their economies on “life support” while societies fight the most dramatic health crisis of our time.

Governments and central banks in the economies most affected by the COVID-19 pandemic have rapidly mobilized to keep their economies on “life support” while societies fight the most dramatic health crisis of our time.

Where is the economy heading in the current situation? How effective are the policy responses being deployed? What priorities and principles should guide actions by public and private sector leaders in response to the unfolding economic crisis?

The Forum’s second edition of the Chief Economists Outlook addresses these questions and is the outcome of consultations with leading chief economists from both the public and private sectors and leaders from the Stewardship Board of the World Economic Forum’s Platform for Shaping the Future of the New Economy and Society.


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