已发布: 16 七月 2020

Emerging Pathways towards a Post-COVID-19 Reset and Recovery

The COVID-19 crisis and the political, economic, and social disruptions it has caused have exposed the inadequacies of our current economic systems. Amid global concern for lives, livelihoods, and the planet, leaders find themselves at a historic crossroads for shaping the recovery and are challenged to reset economies on a new trajectory of more inclusive and sustainable growth.

The COVID-19 crisis and the political, economic, and social disruptions it has caused have exposed the inadequacies of our current economic systems. Amid global concern for lives, livelihoods, and the planet, leaders find themselves at a historic crossroads for shaping the recovery and are challenged to reset economies on a new trajectory of more inclusive and sustainable growth.

This edition of the World Economic Forum’s Chief Economists Outlook sets out a high-level agenda for a path forward on three key challenges: How can economic policy be retooled to reduce inequality and improve social mobility? What will be the new sources of economic growth? How will success be defined?

The briefing is part of the series of the World Economic Forum’s Chief Economist Outlooks and builds on the latest economic policy research as well as regular consultations with a growing community of close to 40 leading chief economists from both the public and private sectors, organized by the World Economic Forum’s Platform for Shaping the Future of the New Economy and Society.


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