已发布: 16 一月 2023

Electricity+: Electricity as the Backbone of an Integrated Energy System

The electricity system will evolve to be the backbone of the future energy system. To limit global temperature increases, a range of scenarios show that global final energy consumption must shift from 20% to 50-70% electricity by 2050. This is a massive economy transformation and will require a fulsome reimagining of global energy systems. Electricity+ is a new framework that highlights the opportunities to create and optimize integrations between the electricity sector and other infrastructure to enable a transition to a net-zero economy.

The electricity system will evolve to be the backbone of the future energy system. To limit global temperature increases, a range of scenarios show that global final energy consumption must shift from 20% to 50-70% electricity by 2050. This is a massive economy transformation and will require a fulsome reimagining of global energy systems. Electricity+ is a new framework that highlights the opportunities to create and optimize integrations between the electricity sector and other infrastructure to enable a transition to a net-zero economy.


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