已发布: 7 十月 2022

Education 4.0 India

The COVID-19 pandemic has widened the gaps in learning outcomes among schoolchildren in India. With the aim of addressing these challenges through digital learning, the World Economic Forum collaborated with the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) and YuWaah (Generation Unlimited India) to launch the Education 4.0 India initiative.

The Education 4.0 India report tracks the progress and findings of the Education 4.0 India initiative, which convened over 40 partners from the education technology, government, academic and start-up communities to focus on how Fourth Industrial Revolution technologies can enhance learning and reduce inequalities in access to education among schoolchildren in India. Under four themes – foundational literacy and numeracy, teacher professional development, school-to-work transition, and connecting the unconnected – the report identifies gaps and outlines interventions, each substantiated by case studies and an implementation roadmap that can enable India’s youth to participate in the ever-evolving global workspace.

The COVID-19 pandemic has widened the gaps in learning outcomes among schoolchildren in India. With the aim of addressing these challenges through digital learning, the World Economic Forum collaborated with the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) and YuWaah (Generation Unlimited India) to launch the Education 4.0 India initiative.

The Education 4.0 India report tracks the progress and findings of the Education 4.0 India initiative, which convened over 40 partners from the education technology, government, academic and start-up communities to focus on how Fourth Industrial Revolution technologies can enhance learning and reduce inequalities in access to education among schoolchildren in India. Under four themes – foundational literacy and numeracy, teacher professional development, school-to-work transition, and connecting the unconnected – the report identifies gaps and outlines interventions, each substantiated by case studies and an implementation roadmap that can enable India’s youth to participate in the ever-evolving global workspace.


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