已发布: 28 九月 2023

Driving Türkiye’s Travel and Tourism Development: The Challenges and Opportunities of Using Big Data for Sustainable Growth

Sustainability is increasingly being recognized in Türkiye and beyond as fundamental to ensuring competitive and resilient travel and tourism (T&T) development. Supported by the digitalization of T&T and the explosion in data produced, big data offers solutions for measuring and monitoring the economic, social and environmental impacts of T&T, helping inform policies and maximize the potential of the sector to generate prosperity. Through investment and other actions in areas such as ICT infrastructure, skills, frameworks and data privacy, Turkish policy-makers and stakeholders can unlock big data’s potential for sustainable sector growth, as highlighted in this white paper.

Sustainability is increasingly being recognized in Türkiye and beyond as fundamental to ensuring competitive and resilient travel and tourism (T&T) development. Supported by the digitalization of T&T and the explosion in data produced, big data offers solutions for measuring and monitoring the economic, social and environmental impacts of T&T, helping inform policies and maximize the potential of the sector to generate prosperity. Through investment and other actions in areas such as ICT infrastructure, skills, frameworks and data privacy, Turkish policy-makers and stakeholders can unlock big data’s potential for sustainable sector growth, as highlighted in this white paper.


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