已发布: 2 七月 2014

Does Faith Matter? Leaders on the Role of Faith in Society

The Global Agenda Council on the Role of Faith developed an online survey for global leaders and executives to help us reflect on the significance of faith in society. The survey asked questions about issues, problems and geographic areas where faith does, or can, play a helpful role, and posed key questions about attitudes, beliefs and perceptions in regard to religious belief. The results of the survey help us better understand the role of faith in today’s society. 

The Global Agenda Council on the Role of Faith developed an online survey for global leaders and executives to help us reflect on the significance of faith in society. The survey asked questions about issues, problems and geographic areas where faith does, or can, play a helpful role, and posed key questions about attitudes, beliefs and perceptions in regard to religious belief. The results of the survey help us better understand the role of faith in today’s society. 


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