已发布: 19 十二月 2023

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Lighthouses 2024

This insight report provides an overview of the latest trends and emerging best practices in fostering diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) in organizations worldwide. It highlights the importance of DEI both from a values and economic perspective and showcases “Lighthouse” initiatives that are leading the way as impactful DEI practices.

This insight report provides an overview of the latest trends and emerging best practices in fostering diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) in organizations worldwide. It highlights the importance of DEI both from a values and economic perspective and showcases “Lighthouse” initiatives that are leading the way as impactful DEI practices.

The report underscores the critical role of leadership in driving DEI initiatives and the need for a systemic, integrated approach to DEI, rather than isolated programmes or initiatives. It also emphasizes the importance of data and transparency in tracking progress and creating accountability mechanisms for organizations and leaders to advance DEI outcomes.


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