已发布: 11 十一月 2024

Disrupting Cybercrime Networks: A Collaboration Framework

Collaborations between industry experts and the public sector are disrupting cybercrime. This white paper, developed by the World Economic Forum’s Partnership against Cybercrime, explores how to build on the success of existing partnerships to accelerate the disruption of cybercriminal activities. It looks at leading operational collaborations against cybercrime worldwide, identifying the common traits of effective partnerships and the hurdles they encounter.

Collaborations between industry experts and the public sector are disrupting cybercrime. This white paper, developed by the World Economic Forum’s Partnership against Cybercrime, explores how to build on the success of existing partnerships to accelerate the disruption of cybercriminal activities. It looks at leading operational collaborations against cybercrime worldwide, identifying the common traits of effective partnerships and the hurdles they encounter.

Outlining the “why” and “how” of operational collaborations, this paper highlights three main pillars of collaboration: incentives for organizations to collaborate, elements of a good governance structure, and resources required to set up, maintain and accelerate partnerships. This framework is the starting point for new anti-cybercrime operational collaborations that can strengthen the defences of the stakeholders involved and increase the costs for cybercriminals.


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