已发布: 30 九月 2020

Digital FDI Policies, regulations and measures to attract FDI in the digital economy

FDI brings not only capital but also knowledge and technology. Attracting digital FDI can help economies and companies boost digital capabilities, but reflecting the fact that this is a new area, information gaps and coordination challenges exist. To help unlock these opportunities, the World Economic Forum has launched a Digital FDI initiative. The initiative is designed to support public and private actors in their digital investment goals through three steps: a supply step; a demand step; and a step to connect the two and catalyze win-win investment flows for policy-makers and firms. This white paper explains the initiative and provides results of a global survey on the most important policies, regulations, and measures to firms’ decision to invest in the digital economy.

FDI brings not only capital but also knowledge and technology. Attracting digital FDI can help economies and companies boost digital capabilities, but reflecting the fact that this is a new area, information gaps and coordination challenges exist. To help unlock these opportunities, the World Economic Forum has launched a Digital FDI initiative. The initiative is designed to support public and private actors in their digital investment goals through three steps: a supply step; a demand step; and a step to connect the two and catalyze win-win investment flows for policy-makers and firms. This white paper explains the initiative and provides results of a global survey on the most important policies, regulations, and measures to firms’ decision to invest in the digital economy.


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