已发布: 6 五月 2021

Digital Assets, Distributed Ledger Technology, and the Future of Capital Markets

This report highlights the results of a series of virtual global workshops and expert interviews held with financial services and technology experts in 2020. It looks at the urgent need for digital transformation in capital markets, with a view to providing strategic insights that will improve client service delivery, achieve greater efficiency and enable new services. As well as exploring the use of distributed ledger technology (DLT) – now going live in many institutions– and its role in future capital markets, it examines the challenges involved in attempting industry-wide transformation and presents a framework for different approaches to DLT solutions. Finally, it presents a use case analysis of seven asset classes/product lines, including equity markets, securitized products, derivatives and securities financing.

This report highlights the results of a series of virtual global workshops and expert interviews held with financial services and technology experts in 2020. It looks at the urgent need for digital transformation in capital markets, with a view to providing strategic insights that will improve client service delivery, achieve greater efficiency and enable new services. As well as exploring the use of distributed ledger technology (DLT) – now going live in many institutions– and its role in future capital markets, it examines the challenges involved in attempting industry-wide transformation and presents a framework for different approaches to DLT solutions. Finally, it presents a use case analysis of seven asset classes/product lines, including equity markets, securitized products, derivatives and securities financing.


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