已发布: 16 一月 2024

Delivering on the European Green Deal: A Private-Sector Perspective

This report examines the actions undertaken by the World Economic Forum’s CEO Action Group for the European Green Deal, using examples and experiences in various areas and placing Group-specific insights into a broader market context.

This report examines the actions undertaken by the World Economic Forum’s CEO Action Group for the European Green Deal, using examples and experiences in various areas and placing Group-specific insights into a broader market context.

The European Green Deal, which is already having a wide-ranging impact on the structure of economies and societies, aims to make the European Union climate neutral by 2050.

With European elections set for June 2024, the report finds that it is critical for the private sector – which is responsible for more than 80% of greenhouse gas emissions in the EU – to take a leadership role in ensuring that the continent stays on track to meet its climate ambitions.


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