已发布: 13 一月 2023

Defining Education 4.0: A Taxonomy for the Future of Learning

The Education 4.0 learning taxonomy presents a comprehensive set of skills, attitudes, and values to prepare young learners for well-being in the economies of the future. This white paper outlines the philosophy behind Education 4.0, as well as the specific taxonomy structure of skills, attitudes and values, and their respective definitions, synthesizing and building on contemporary research and established education taxonomies. This document unifies the World Economic Forum's broader Education 4.0 initiative behind a common foundation and understanding of how to reimagine education systems, and serves as an instrument to facilitate that transformation.

The Education 4.0 learning taxonomy presents a comprehensive set of skills, attitudes, and values to prepare young learners for well-being in the economies of the future. This white paper outlines the philosophy behind Education 4.0, as well as the specific taxonomy structure of skills, attitudes and values, and their respective definitions, synthesizing and building on contemporary research and established education taxonomies. This document unifies the World Economic Forum's broader Education 4.0 initiative behind a common foundation and understanding of how to reimagine education systems, and serves as an instrument to facilitate that transformation.


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