已发布: 15 十二月 2021

Data for Common Purpose: Enabling Colombia’s Transition to a Data-Driven Economy

This report, published by the Centre for the Fourth Industrial Revolution Colombia in collaboration with PwC Colombia as part of the World Economic Forum’s Data for Common Purpose Initiative, is a call to action that aims to help leaders understand, initiate and navigate trustworthy public-private data collaboration in an increasingly complex world. Using practical insights from Project Moonshot, a successful public-private pilot data exchange programme established by the Colombian Government, the report highlights the need for data collaboration for the common good as a means of facilitating country transitions from traditional to data-driven economies in order to address urgent social, economic and environmental challenges.

This report, published by the Centre for the Fourth Industrial Revolution Colombia in collaboration with PwC Colombia as part of the World Economic Forum’s Data for Common Purpose Initiative, is a call to action that aims to help leaders understand, initiate and navigate trustworthy public-private data collaboration in an increasingly complex world. Using practical insights from Project Moonshot, a successful public-private pilot data exchange programme established by the Colombian Government, the report highlights the need for data collaboration for the common good as a means of facilitating country transitions from traditional to data-driven economies in order to address urgent social, economic and environmental challenges.


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