已发布: 20 一月 2016

Data-Driven Development: Pathways for Progress

When it comes to the opportunity for data analytics to provide new insights and visibility on the challenges of sustainable development, the world is in a pre-dawn fog. Defined currently by its ambiguity and complexity, the global dialogue on the use of data is shaped by both hope and anxiety. While using data for positive socio-economic gain holds great promise, it is not a certainty. It is imperative to chart a course through this complexity to capture the development benefits that Big Data can bring.

When it comes to the opportunity for data analytics to provide new insights and visibility on the challenges of sustainable development, the world is in a pre-dawn fog. Defined currently by its ambiguity and complexity, the global dialogue on the use of data is shaped by both hope and anxiety. While using data for positive socio-economic gain holds great promise, it is not a certainty. It is imperative to chart a course through this complexity to capture the development benefits that Big Data can bring.

Published by the Global Agenda Council on Data Driven Development, 2014-2016


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