已发布: 10 十一月 2017

Data Driven Cities: 20 Stories of Innovation

The need for cities to fully harness the potential of data constantly flowing through them has never been more urgent. Data Driven Cities: 20 Stories of Innovation, highlights examples from around the world of how cities are doing exactly this: using new technology, data collection and analysis to improve services and liveability for their citizens. The report is part of a wider initiative by the World Economic Forum to empower city leadership in employing 4IR technology to improve the urban experience and using data to define and measure their preparedness for the transformation of the 4th Industrial Revolution.

The need for cities to fully harness the potential of data constantly flowing through them has never been more urgent. Data Driven Cities: 20 Stories of Innovation, highlights examples from around the world of how cities are doing exactly this: using new technology, data collection and analysis to improve services and liveability for their citizens. The report is part of a wider initiative by the World Economic Forum to empower city leadership in employing 4IR technology to improve the urban experience and using data to define and measure their preparedness for the transformation of the 4th Industrial Revolution.


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