已发布: 23 六月 2023

DAOs for Impact

Collaboratively governed and code-driven, decentralized autonomous organizations (DAOs) are attempting to reimagine how we connect, collaborate and create. Although the most well-known DAOs operate in Decentralized Finance, in recent years several DAOs focused on creating positive change have been developed. These Impact DAOs aim to create advanced scientific research and sustainable economies, address poverty and build inclusive financial tools. Yet these organizations also face challenges and pose risks. DAOs for Impact provides resources for policy-makers, developers, and social impact leaders seeking to understand these nascent organizations.

Collaboratively governed and code-driven, decentralized autonomous organizations (DAOs) are attempting to reimagine how we connect, collaborate and create. Although the most well-known DAOs operate in Decentralized Finance, in recent years several DAOs focused on creating positive change have been developed. These Impact DAOs aim to create advanced scientific research and sustainable economies, address poverty and build inclusive financial tools. Yet these organizations also face challenges and pose risks. DAOs for Impact provides resources for policy-makers, developers, and social impact leaders seeking to understand these nascent organizations.


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