已发布: 17 五月 2021

Cyber Resilience in the Oil and Gas Industry: Playbook for Boards and Corporate Officers

To help the energy industry improve its resilience against cyber risk, the World Economic Forum has convened over 40 senior executives to establish a blueprint for evaluating cyber risk across the oil and gas industry. This White Paper is the result of their in-depth discussions to illuminate the industry’s best practices and create new solutions for corporate leaders to address cyber risk. It presents six principles to help boards at oil and gas companies govern this risk and strengthen their organization’s cyber resilience. Adopting them will support the industry in its efforts to continue delivering safe, affordable and low-carbon energy for decades to come.

To help the energy industry improve its resilience against cyber risk, the World Economic Forum has convened over 40 senior executives to establish a blueprint for evaluating cyber risk across the oil and gas industry. This White Paper is the result of their in-depth discussions to illuminate the industry’s best practices and create new solutions for corporate leaders to address cyber risk. It presents six principles to help boards at oil and gas companies govern this risk and strengthen their organization’s cyber resilience. Adopting them will support the industry in its efforts to continue delivering safe, affordable and low-carbon energy for decades to come.


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