已发布: 30 十一月 2020

Cyber Resilience in the Electricity Ecosystem: Securing the Value Chain

The World Economic Forum’s Systems of Cyber Resilience: The electricity community has created this report to redefine the cybersecurity-related roles and responsibilities throughout the electricity industry’s value and supply chain. This reflects the need to find effective and sustainable measures for protecting these chains, which have changed dramatically because of the industry’s rapid evolution. An isolated approach will no longer suffice to secure and achieve a resilient ecosystem. Industry stakeholders must address their individual as well as their shared responsibility.

The World Economic Forum’s Systems of Cyber Resilience: The electricity community has created this report to redefine the cybersecurity-related roles and responsibilities throughout the electricity industry’s value and supply chain. This reflects the need to find effective and sustainable measures for protecting these chains, which have changed dramatically because of the industry’s rapid evolution. An isolated approach will no longer suffice to secure and achieve a resilient ecosystem. Industry stakeholders must address their individual as well as their shared responsibility.


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