已发布: 30 六月 2020

Cyber Resilience in the Electricity Ecosystem: Playbook for Boards and Cybersecurity Officers

Maintaining cyber resilience across the ecosystem is a challenge for all organizations and a significant priority for critical infrastructure sectors such as electricity. Furthermore, the COVID-19 crisis is having a dramatic impact on our society and has forced everyone to become heavily reliant on the internet and its digital economy.

This paper can help leaders to strategically manage information risks, work towards a culture of shared cyber-risk ownership across the organization and take a more strategic approach to cyber resilience. Effective cyber resilience requires a combined, aligned multidisciplinary effort to move beyond compliance to cohesive business and digital enablement.

Maintaining cyber resilience across the ecosystem is a challenge for all organizations and a significant priority for critical infrastructure sectors such as electricity. Furthermore, the COVID-19 crisis is having a dramatic impact on our society and has forced everyone to become heavily reliant on the internet and its digital economy.

This paper can help leaders to strategically manage information risks, work towards a culture of shared cyber-risk ownership across the organization and take a more strategic approach to cyber resilience. Effective cyber resilience requires a combined, aligned multidisciplinary effort to move beyond compliance to cohesive business and digital enablement.


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