已发布: 25 三月 2014

Creating New Models: Innovative Public-Private Partnerships for Inclusive Development in Latin America

In this report, the members of the Global Agenda Council on Latin America have chosen to illustrate, through a series of brief case studies, the creativity and commitment displayed throughout the region in the design and execution of innovative public-private partnerships in areas such as education, health and environmental sustainability.These studies highlight the benefits of capitalizing on the strengths of the different sectors in question, and support the notion that in an ever-connected world, no actor can deliver maximum social benefit alone. The council believes that there are additional benefits to sharing practices described here as a way of underpinning confidence in well-structures partnerships, as inspiration for other countries in the region and beyond to replicate and build upon these models, and as a window into the ingenuity of the region. With this report, the Council has made a valuable contribution to the definition of the regional agenda, anticipating important trends and issues in the region. It reflects the diversity of the Council Members’ experiences and views, and their understanding of local interests.

In this report, the members of the Global Agenda Council on Latin America have chosen to illustrate, through a series of brief case studies, the creativity and commitment displayed throughout the region in the design and execution of innovative public-private partnerships in areas such as education, health and environmental sustainability.These studies highlight the benefits of capitalizing on the strengths of the different sectors in question, and support the notion that in an ever-connected world, no actor can deliver maximum social benefit alone. The council believes that there are additional benefits to sharing practices described here as a way of underpinning confidence in well-structures partnerships, as inspiration for other countries in the region and beyond to replicate and build upon these models, and as a window into the ingenuity of the region. With this report, the Council has made a valuable contribution to the definition of the regional agenda, anticipating important trends and issues in the region. It reflects the diversity of the Council Members’ experiences and views, and their understanding of local interests.


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