已发布: 23 七月 2020

COVID-19 – The True Test of ASEAN Youth's Resilience and Adaptability

Based on a survey of more than 68,000 youths aged 16-35 years old from six countries in the South-East Asia region (ASEAN), this report analyses the impact of social distancing on ASEAN youth, uncovering how they have coped with the challenges during the pandemic and exploring the support they need as the region works towards an inclusive and sustainable recovery. The survey reveals unprecedented digital transformation among ASEAN youths. ASEAN youths also emerge from the pandemic more resilient, adaptive and creative. However, their potential has been limited by a lack of digital skills, inadequate digital infrastructure and funding shortages. The survey was conducted in partnership with Sea.

Based on a survey of more than 68,000 youths aged 16-35 years old from six countries in the South-East Asia region (ASEAN), this report analyses the impact of social distancing on ASEAN youth, uncovering how they have coped with the challenges during the pandemic and exploring the support they need as the region works towards an inclusive and sustainable recovery. The survey reveals unprecedented digital transformation among ASEAN youths. ASEAN youths also emerge from the pandemic more resilient, adaptive and creative. However, their potential has been limited by a lack of digital skills, inadequate digital infrastructure and funding shortages. The survey was conducted in partnership with Sea.


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