已发布: 6 一月 2011

Convergence of Insurance and Capital Markets

The convergence of insurance with the capital markets has been a topic of discussion for some years now, during which time there has been strong growth, but not the explosion that might have been expected. The World Economic Forum and its partners in this project wish to advance the debate by establishing links among stakeholders and providing them with a platform for addressing key issues. Many participants in this project aspire to increase visibility, provide renewed impetus for market development and, it is hoped, place insurance risk on the agendas of a larger, more diverse group of investors – the key to future growth.

The convergence of insurance with the capital markets has been a topic of discussion for some years now, during which time there has been strong growth, but not the explosion that might have been expected. The World Economic Forum and its partners in this project wish to advance the debate by establishing links among stakeholders and providing them with a platform for addressing key issues. Many participants in this project aspire to increase visibility, provide renewed impetus for market development and, it is hoped, place insurance risk on the agendas of a larger, more diverse group of investors – the key to future growth.


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