已发布: 21 九月 2021

Consumers Beyond Waste: An initiative of the World Economic Forum’s Future of Consumption Platform

The World Economic Forum’s Platform for Shaping the Future of Consumption seeks to advance responsible models of consumption to benefit people and the planet. One focus area is the environmental degradation caused by plastic pollution, which the platform is addressing through its Consumers Beyond Waste initiative.

The World Economic Forum’s Platform for Shaping the Future of Consumption seeks to advance responsible models of consumption to benefit people and the planet. One focus area is the environmental degradation caused by plastic pollution, which the platform is addressing through its Consumers Beyond Waste initiative.

These three community-authored papers: The City Playbook; Design Guidelines; and Safety Guidelines provide specific recommendations for implementing reuse models. The Executive Summary distills the main findings from these three papers, which collectively offer a holistic framework for practitioners and policymakers seeking to adopt or expand reusable packaging systems in their own communities.


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