已发布: 23 五月 2022

Closing the Investment Gap: Policies to Accelerate the Net-Zero Transition

While the technologies to slow the pace of climate change exist, about 60% of decarbonization solutions that are critical for the net-zero transition of hard-to-abate sectors are not yet available at commercial scale. This paper, produced with Oliver Wyman and with input from industry players, focuses on how private finance can be mobilized to scale decarbonization efforts in steel and aviation. It follows our report on Financing the Transition to a Net-Zero future and articulates a cross-sectoral framework for identifying policy priorities to establish strong demand and supply side signals that strengthen business models.

While the technologies to slow the pace of climate change exist, about 60% of decarbonization solutions that are critical for the net-zero transition of hard-to-abate sectors are not yet available at commercial scale. This paper, produced with Oliver Wyman and with input from industry players, focuses on how private finance can be mobilized to scale decarbonization efforts in steel and aviation. It follows our report on Financing the Transition to a Net-Zero future and articulates a cross-sectoral framework for identifying policy priorities to establish strong demand and supply side signals that strengthen business models.


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