已发布: 18 十月 2023

Closing the Climate Action Gap: Accelerating Decarbonization and the Energy Transition in MENA

Climate change is the most significant challenge of this generation, and nowhere is its impact more visible than in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA). The region has been heating up at twice the global average for the past four decades, and is projected to be 4°C warmer by mid-century. While governments are playing their part in setting up the net-zero ambition and creating an enabling environment, companies need to shoulder the responsibility of delivering sustainability action to move the discourse on climate adaptation forward.

Climate change is the most significant challenge of this generation, and nowhere is its impact more visible than in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA). The region has been heating up at twice the global average for the past four decades, and is projected to be 4°C warmer by mid-century. While governments are playing their part in setting up the net-zero ambition and creating an enabling environment, companies need to shoulder the responsibility of delivering sustainability action to move the discourse on climate adaptation forward.

In this context, the World Economic Forum, together with Bain & Company, has convened the Leaders for a Sustainable MENA (LSM) coalition, a group of 40+ high-level participants from ministries, businesses and financial institutions focused on accelerating corporate-led climate action and sustainability-related topics in the region.

This report, developed with the input of LSM members, identifies how best to raise cross-border public-private collaboration in MENA to deliver meaningful outcomes. It highlights the key sustainability challenges in the region and provides a blueprint for bold decarbonization actions that could fuel new economic opportunities.


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